I’m a product designer, prototyper, and lifelong learner.
As a contractor at Local Projects, I wrote software for a Google Maps application that runs on a set of touch-responsive, object-aware tables at the NYC Visitor Information Center.
I was later commisioned directly by NYC & Co to revisit the project to simplify the original project and work on standard off-the-shelf touchscreens.
︎ UX
︎ User research design validation
︎ Engineeringactionscript, Adobe Flex, TUIO, iterative prototyping, Google Maps, running a local maps tile server
︎ Shipping
I was later commisioned directly by NYC & Co to revisit the project to simplify the original project and work on standard off-the-shelf touchscreens.
︎ UX
︎ User research design validation
︎ Engineeringactionscript, Adobe Flex, TUIO, iterative prototyping, Google Maps, running a local maps tile server
︎ Shipping